Refund and Returns Policy

 Essens Fragrances Refund and Returns Policy

30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – Refund and Returns Policy

  • 100% money back guarantee applies to all ESSENS products that do not suit the user in any way
  • Products can be returned without any reason given
  • Products must be returned within 30 days of purchase
  • Within the guarantee, only individual products can be returned, not the entire order
  • A copy of the invoice must be provided along with a cover letter indicating the type of guarantee on the basis of which you are returning the product
  • Products purchased within a set must be returned as a complete set
  • The guarantee does not apply to products bought within a promotion
  • A credit note will be issued for the returned product, the shipping costs will not be reimbursed
  • A corresponding financial value of the returned product will be paid back by bank transfer
  • Each case will be handled individually, and in case of obvious or repeated abuse, misuse or suspected cheat, the guarantee may be rejected


90 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – Refund and Returns Policy

  • 100 % money back guarantee applies to all un-used/un-opened ESSENS products
  • Products can be returned without any reason given
  • Products must be returned within 90 days of purchase
  • Within the guarantee, only individual products can be returned, not the entire order
  • Products must be in the original undamaged packaging and without any signs of usage
  • A copy of the invoice must be provided along with a cover letter indicating the type of guarantee on the basis of which you are returning the product
  • Products purchased within a set must be returned as a set and none of the products in that set must have been used.
  • The guarantee does not apply to products bought within a promotion
  • A credit note will be issued for the returned product, the shipping costs will not be reimbursed
  • A corresponding financial value of the returned product will be paid back by bank transfer
  • Each case will be handled individually, and in case of obvious or repeated abuse, misuse or suspected cheat, the guarantee may be rejected



  • ESSENS Club member is entitled to exercise the right of defect, which occurs on ESSENS products in a period of 24 months. If the product, on its packaging, in the product attached leaflet, indicates the period for which the product can be used, ESSENS Club member shall have rights for such product for the same period of time as in the case of quality warranty according to the Consumer rights act 2015
  • The warranty begins on the day following the takeover of the goods
  • The claim can be applied personally at the ESSENS branch or by sending the product to the address stated below, cash on delivery parcels will not be accepted
  • A copy of the invoice must be provided along with a cover letter indicating a short and clear description of the defect
  • Claims are handled without undue delay; the legal deadline is 30 calendar days for the settlement of the claim
  • If the end of the claim period falls on a non-working day, the end of the claim is carried over to the following working day


  • The claim period is counted from the day following the takeover of the claimed products
  • After the delivery of the product, a claim protocol is written, the buyer is informed of the result of the claim in writing
  • In the case of an accepted claim, the member is entitled to a refund of the costs associated with the claim



  • If the parcel does not contain all the products stated on the invoice, which is always a part of the parcel, it is necessary, immediately after such fact is discovered (max. 5 days upon takeover), to send an e-mail to following , with the information stated: short and clear description of the missing products, actual weight of the parcel, photo documentation of the whole package and a copy of the invoice
  • If a theft of the products while delivering is proven, the missing products shall be sent again



  • – Mobile: 07951 863343
  • for any returns or claims, please contact our colleagues on contact details above
  • delivery address for any products returns: Essens Fragrances, 18 Corporal John Shaw Court, Prestonpans, EH32 9GJ




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