Healthy Hair – Part Two
Here are six more ‘Healthy Hair Tips – What Not to Do’ ideas for you to help you keep your hair healthy and vibrant.
Don’t be misled. There are many ‘old wives tales with regard to hair care, some are good but some are really bad. Follow these tips and you won’t go wrong.
Healthy Hair Tips – What Not to Do
- Brushing 100 strokes a night makes hair healthy
It is true that brushing yourhair regularly is good for your hair. It increases the blood circulation and thus stimulates your hair follicles, and it also helps with untangling. However, the Victorian habit of brushing your hair 100 times before bed is a myth. That number of hair-brush strokes doesn’t increase the health of your hair. In any case who has time for that these days.
It is a good idea though to give your hair a gentle brush before you go to bed. Best to use tipped bristles to avoid tearing your strands, gently untangle with your fingers and brush until your hair is smooth. - Sleeping with your hair open enhances growth
It has been said of old that sleeping with your hair down your scalp and roots have room to breathe and thus your hair grows more easily.
Well, how silly is that all that does is causes your hair to tangle and as well as that the oils from your hair can spread all over your skin possibly causing acne.
It is a much better idea to tie your hair loosely or put it into a bun. But make sure not to tie it too tightly as this will damage your hair as you twist and turn in your sleep.
It is a good idea to sleep on a silk pillowcase if possible. This tends to be much more gentle on your hair than a cotton pillowcase. - Your hair stops growing after a while
There is an idea that once your hair has reached its full potential length, (whatever that might be!) it stops growing.
In actual fact if you follow a well-balanced diet and take good care of your hair by following the natural beauty tips available your hair can grow to any length you want it to be. You should remember that diet does very much affect the health of your hair and it is important to eat lots of foods that are nutrient rich and avoid, as much as possible, processed foods. Also make sure you get sufficient protein.
Be careful to pay attention to the ends of your hair as the ability to grow your hair long will definitely be hindered if you have developed split ends at the tips. - Stress causes grey hair to grow
Have you noticed the younger generation are caught up with certain myths passed down by their grandmothers and mothers. They are led to believe that ‘mother knows best’ and of course in most things she does but the notion that grey hair is caused by stress is not one of them. Developing grey hair is not caused by stress it is caused by your genetic make-up and DNA.
What can happen is that stress can affect your genes, but it takes a very long time for your genes to be changed as a result of stress, to affect how early in life your hair turns grey. Sorry but Mother got it wrong this time. Stress has nothing to do with your hair turning grey. - Tying ponytails helps reduce dandruff
Another hair care myth says that if you tie your hair in a bun or put your hair up in a ponytail, or in fact put it up in any way at all, Dandruff will be cured. This is just not the case. These hairstyles are very attractive of course, and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with using them, they do nothing for Dandruff. It could well be that these styles could hide the dandruff problem but the only way you will get rid of it is to use the correct products such as a good Dandruff Shampoo. - Cold water nourishes your hair
There is even a belief amongst some hairdressers that cold water nourishes your hair. But relax ladies, there is no need to suffer. Cold water does not improve your hair to any greater degree than it is just now.
However it is a fact that whether it be from a hair dryer, hot water or even the sun, extreme heat can damage your hair. If you think about it, for example, cold water doesn’t rinse products out of your has as efficiently as lukewarm water and it doesn’t make your hair any shinier or healthier.
It is surprising to imagine that millions of people believe in the above hair care myths. Hopefully these hair care tips have helped you to understand the real facts and that your hair will benefit as a result.